
Fanfic writer doxxed
Fanfic writer doxxed

One blog put me in the ridiculous catch twenty-two with their followers, too they accused me of picking a name that’s impossible to block, then accused me of remaking accounts to evade blocks … so if I keep the name, I’m proving them ‘right’ by supposedly making it difficult to block, but if I change the name, I’m proving them ‘right’ by making current blocks absolutely pointless. I’m still seeing a lot of people spreading lies, too, which I’m too tired to correct (and anyone who believes them without checking them out first, as one ‘anon’ did on one account, is probably not worth my time anyway). They’ve been pretty mature since they started using AO3 extensions. The antis have left me entirely alone for all that time … no callouts, no hate mail, no anything (except the odd bitchy comment).

#Fanfic writer doxxed archive

I know it’s an anti-anti that threatened to dox me, as this came fresh in the wake of all the callouts and posts from ‘lo-tor’, ‘otasucc’, ‘shalliekeith’, and ‘huntypastellance’ (who started this by hunting down a post of mine four months later, by trolling through my archive for an untagged post and not coming to me to clarify bad wording). Here are two more, one admitting to trying to trigger me and another that is also insinuating I must be abusing children or will go on to abuse children, as both are such delightful chaps that have such a wonderful manner: In terms of doxxing, however, the coward was anonymous, but:

fanfic writer doxxed

The above implies I’m a “practising pedo”, which is something they’ve outright stated in other places on their blog, and they were very vocal about saying I must be an abuser based on my work, but blocked me and refused to talk to me about this issue despite attempts to engage in discussion. It was ‘ozwaddlles’ who outright called me a paedophile and a threat to children a long time back, too, and that included stalking me on even posts totally unrelated to fandom to call me out. If you want outright accusations of being a paedophile and/or abuser, there’s a lot just going through the reblogs on the two main callouts alone, and just trying to search to double-check what I just said reveals ‘wonderland-s-angel’ accusing me of “jerk of to kids”. It meant I couldn’t screenshot, and didn’t think at the time to screenshot in case they edited. The death threat was by ‘alethe-hedgefox’ I think it was a reblog from another post, but - funnily enough - the minute I mentioned getting death threats and called antis out on it … the post was mysteriously edited to something like “this story made me literally vomit” instead of the original post.

Fanfic writer doxxed